Microsoft Office 365 Security Report

10 November 2022

Are there vulnerabilities in your Microsoft 365 environment that you don’t even know about?

Microsoft 365 is a software suite that is used by many companies across the world. It has become the standard choice when selecting a new Office Suite package to use for your business. Whilst Microsoft 365 can be self-managed, it can be highly complex with many potential security challenges, and if you do not get this setup correct, you can expose your business to critical security holes and vulnerabilities.

Microsoft 365 can touch every part of your business, this can expose you to significant risk if you have not secured your Microsoft 365 environment.

At Obsidian Networks, we can run a complimentary Microsoft 365 Security Report for you, this will show if your business is exposed to unnecessary risk. We can then either work with you, or you can work with the person that looks after your 365 environment to improve your overall security levels to ensure that you are appropriately secure.

What will this report show?

The Security Report that we run against your Microsoft 365 environment does not pose any security risk to your 365 environment or business, but it will give you a breakdown of what is happening in your Microsoft 365 environment, answering key questions such as:

  1. Who within your team is exposed to risk due to not using or implementing multi-factor authentication?
  2. Who has access to your emails?
  3. Do you know if somebody has granted themselves access to something that they should not have access to?
  4. Have all employees that have left your business been removed from your systems? If not, is there a reason for this? Or do you even know that this is still the case?
  5. Are your employees emails being forwarded onto somebody else without a business case, or even your knowledge?
  6. Are there any third party apps that are linked into your Microsoft 365 environment that should not be there?

It’s quick and easy for us to run our Microsoft 365 Security Report

  1. We connect our software into your Microsoft 365 environment via an admin account (this would need to be granted, if you do not have this level of control currently, and can be removed as soon as the scan has completed).
  2. Our software will then generate the relevant settings and configuration that you have configured, and present this to us to form the basis of our report.
  3. We will build the report and can email you over a copy, or for further peace of mind we can schedule a quick telephone / video call to discuss our findings.

If you are concerned about your Microsoft 365 Security policies and configuration, or if you have never even thought about what you may be exposed to, please get in touch with a member of our team, and we can book you in for our complimentary Microsoft 365 Security Report