Top Tips on the Organisation of Data

22 March 2022

Organising Your data

Streamline your system to make sure you don’t lose any files. 

Organising your data properly can be very helpful in putting away your files and also finding them, saving you time.

Organisation can be difficult when there are multiple users working on the same files, but with our guide your system should be seamless across all uses.

Setting up a well organised system to store your data and files, will make independent and collaborated projects easier.


Naming your files

The naming of the folders and files is so important. Creating a standard system to follow will save so much time. You’ll also be able to use the search feature to access your files easier too!

When naming your folders, try to name them after departments or projects. Don’t name them after people as it becomes complicated and confusing if that person leaves.


Use consistent and short names

Also when it comes to naming your files and folders, don’t forget to use the same format throughout and be consistent. Following the same system of naming your files will make it easier to find.

You could include: 

  • Department
  • Date
  • Client

So ‘Form‘ becomes ‘Department X. Form. Client Y. Date‘. This is much easier to find and ensures the document does not get lost.


File Permissions

Setting permissions of folders can be useful to keep the contents of the folder within the right department.

The best way to set up file permissions is with departments and teams having their own folders. It keeps the system streamlined and gives each team access to what they need.


Not too many sub-folders

Beware of creating too many sub-folders as this can make files harder to find in the long run. The folders almost forming a maze.

Try to find a balance of having too many files in a folder and having too few. One thing to consider is that each folder should have a minimum of 10 files within it.


Review files

Reviewing your files and deleting those that are unnecessary will help to give free space, making your computer quicker but it also keeping your system up to date. Try to only keep what you need.

We’ve wrote a guide on computer maintenance to find out how important reviewing and checking your system is. Read it here 


Temporary storage

Storing files and folders in downloads or the desktop should only be a temporary solution. Files should be filtered into your system to ensure that none are lost or important documents aren’t missed.


Don’t forget to maintain the system

Even if organising your files and folders in this way feels too difficult in the beginning, keep going as the process becomes easier and more streamlined.

Once your system is following a pattern, it make finding and filing your folders and files so much easier.


Need help streamlining your system? Get in touch.