Are You Still Reusing Passwords?

31 March 2022

Do you reuse your passwords?

Do you reuse your passwords?

It’s possible that all of your accounts could be hacked in 22 minutes. Read our guide to find out how getting a password manager will help you stay protected.


Why do you need one?

It’s estimated that the average person has around 100 passwords, with most people using the same password for every account they own which can leave them vulnerable. If one account is hacked, then all accounts can be easily accessed. Creating a new password for every website can be difficult to remember and create. Password managers can help with this. They create complex passwords, that is a mix of lower and upper case characters and special characters. They’re even recommended for use by the National Cyber Security Council.

Creating a complex password is crucial as the average persons’ password of 8 letters and numbers can be hacked instantly. If a Capital letter is added at the front increases the time to 22 minutes. The more complex the password, the more the time increases it being accessed by a hacker. This type of hacking is called brute force hacking, where a hacker runs through every password combination until they are successful. Having a password manager can create complex and unique passwords that are difficult to access.


Benefits of a password manager

There are many advantages to having a password manager. They add an extra layer of security to your accounts whilst also saving time. Also they can create complex, difficult to hack passwords, creating a different one for each account without you have having to worry about remembering them.

Password managers can also work alongside multi factor authentication, for added security, making sure no one can access your passwords except you.

Many password managers are free, although there are some premium services for a couple of pounds a month.


What to look for?

There are many different features to look for when selecting a password manager. Some things are important to have, others might be decided by preference.

One thing needed is the password manager to have good auto fill capabilities, not just storing your passwords but saving you time from typing them in with every use.

Also opt for one that has a password health score feature, letting you know how good your passwords are and if they’ve been hacked.

If you’re often entering your address as well debit card numbers, you may want to opt for a password manager that can also store other types of information as well as passwords.

Some password managers have family options, which is helpful if members of the same household share devices or accounts.

You may wish to use a password manager on multiple devices, having a password manager that can sync on several different devices, may be a priority.


Don’t forget

There are many choices with password managers but it’s important to pick the one you like to use the best. If you don’t like using it, you won’t want to store your passwords there and you might stop using it all together. Pick the one you like and that’s easiest to put into action.


Setting it up
  • Set up Multi factor authentication
    • Set up MFA alongside a password manager for the most protection.
  • Create a master password
    • Create a master password for your password manager, make sure you don’t forget this one!
  • Install the app/ browser extension
    • Installing the app and browser extension, will allow a seamless interaction.


Don’t feel comfortable using a password manager?

  • Don’t keep your passwords on a document on your pc
    • Just in case your PC is hacked and all of your accounts are vulnerable.
  • Do write down your passwords in a physical book
    • Storing a physical book of passwords in a safe place is safer than keeping a document on your PC.
  • Don’t use the same password for everything
    • Don’t leave all of your accounts vulnerable, if you’re hacked.


Interested in setting up a password manager, but unsure of where to start? Get in touch.